Campus Training Center GmbH
Campus Training Center GmbH: Software training, connecting databases to the WWW, and a support hotline for users - these are the most important services performed for the Tübingen University in Germany and other customers. From Campus Training Center, IT experts learn how to distribute software on Windows, how Active Directory works, or how to implement a database for the WWW. We explain to beginners and advancers the secrets of Word, Excel, and Co; and we train Web editors in XHTML as well as CSS. Our courses comprise topics on frontoffice, backoffice, Internet, and programming.
DAASI International GmbH
DAASI International Ltd. develops directory applications for advanced security management.
Most important technologies used by DAASI are: directory services (X.500, LDAP, Active Directory, Novell NDS, CIP);
encryption technologies for protecting networks and information (PKI, X.509,
PGP, S/MIME, SSL/TLS, IPSec, VPN); information and knowledge management (XML, RDF, WebOnt, CIM, Metadata).
One characteristic of DAASI International is its commitment to support open
standards as means to increase the interoperability between different
d-serv OHG Digital Services
d-serv OHG Digital Services comprises an interdisciplinarily trained team with manifold experiences in all questions concerning modern IT. We provide solutions for all requirements of the digital world: software programming, network technologies, IT support, and advertisement. In a joint venture, ZZ/OSS and d-serv develop and promote CONESYS, the COntent NEtwork SYStem.